REAP LogisChain is an Integrated Control System for the real-time automatic control and management that applies IoT and Blockchain Technology and provides service coverage from the producer to warehouses and even up to the consumers for products that require low-temperatures or cryogenic refrigeration such as food, livestock, fishery and agricultural products, and also medicine.By leveraging power of IoT devices and smart contract of blockchain we are able to provide automated service processes that improve legacy system based on manual work.

Vehicle Door Management
Sensing for the opening and closing of all doorways on vehicle and records management. Real-time alerts on status for all doorways.Vehicle Temperature & Humidity Management
Automatic Humidity and Temperature control and records management. Real-time alerts on abnormal conditions for temperature and humidity.Vehicle Delivery Management
Real-time Vehicle location tracking based LBS and delivery records management.Vehicle Driving Info. Management
Information management and notification on the vehicle status. Information management and notification on the driving patterns.