ReapChain BaaS
ReapChain is a Blockchain as a service (Blockchain as a Service), and consists of Reap SDK for connecting and authenticating devices, ReapMiddleChain and ReapChain for data processing and storage, and Reap Platform for operating and managing all services.
Prevention of data
forgery through object PID.
Providing services specialized for
distributed processing and
security of large data.
Provides reliable and flexible
private temporary data storage.
Easy and fast
IoT-only system construction.
Reap SDK
forgery through object PID.
distributed processing and
security of large data.
Reap HUT
private temporary data storage.
Reap Platform
IoT-only system construction.
01 Distribution and Logistics
IoT can be applied to logistics operations to increase supply chain visibility and efficiency, and to prevent disruptions in a smooth delivery.
ReapChain collects, analyzes, and shares information from freight shipments, pick-ups, and transportation to the right delivery to consumers,
optimizing reliability, efficiency, and processing speed to achieve innovation in the distribution and logistics industries.

Step 01
Product production and data (basic information) input based on IoT sensor applied with Reap SDKStep 02
Continuously transmit and verify product status data through sensorsStep 03
Transmission and verification of additional data such as location information and record of delivery and receipt in the entire distribution processStep 04
Receive and confirm reliable data on products purchased by end consumers02 Energy
The energy sector is pursuing domestic automation and energy management efficiency by integrating advanced information and communication
technology (ICT) such as IoT.
The energy management system utilizing ReapChain BaaS can improve the above problems and build an efficient system.

Step 01
Aggregate various data and power generated from smart home devices with Reap SDK through smart metersStep 02
Product production and data (basic information) input based on IoT sensor applied with Reap SDKStep 03
Through the Reap Platform, the electricity producer checks the amount of electricity required in each home, and the service provider checks the device status data to improve service qualityStep 04
Receiving reliable data and checking information on individual devices in the smart home at homeBusiness Model
ReapChain's business is a platform and DApp business composed of various IoT-based business fields.
1.Combination of each business area through platform activation.
2.Establishing a reasonable fee and incentive system.
3.Establish a business model by building a competitive infrastructure through token economy with competitiveness and profitability.

License cost
Reap HUT usage fee
Transaction Fee
Data purchase
Participants in the ReapChain ecosystem will be a member of the IoT-based 4th industrial ecosystemand will contribute to the development of the IoT industry while gaining economic benefits.

- Device manufacturers Companies that provide services including hardware resources provided by IoT devices such as sensors and drivers, and operating systems (OS) and software that connect these hardware resources.
- IoT operators services that facilitate the creation and execution of various application services, application implementation and network service providers that support the deployment of IoT-based application software
- Data analysis companies companies that process, analyze and utilize data obtained from various devices
- IoT users individuals or subjects who use IoT services through applications
- ReapChain BaaS An integrated platform that supports various standards / non-standards as a connection platform between devices and devices and services and application platforms.
ReapChain is a service-type blockchain BaaS (Blockchain as a Service) that consists of Reap SDK for connecting and authenticating devices, ReapMiddleChain and ReapChain for data processing and storage, and Reap Platform for operating and managing the entire service.